Jim Grace on Structural Equation Modeling [11/21/19]

Last Tuesday TURF hosted Dr. Jim Grace of the USGS to introduce our group to the theory and application of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Dr. Grace describes SEM as "an approach to statistical modeling that focuses on the study of complex cause-effect hypotheses about the mechanisms operating in systems." This is an emerging method in ecology … Continue reading Jim Grace on Structural Equation Modeling [11/21/19]

[11/14/19] Creating metadata to preserve and share your data projects

In November Fabiola Rodriguez and Mareli Sanchez-Julia introduced TURF to methods and best practices for generating metadata for our data projects. The repository for this workshop is available on our GitHub page: https://github.com/tulaneURF/11_14_19 Metadata is a way for us to ensure that our projects are usable by other researchers we collaborate with, and also usable … Continue reading [11/14/19] Creating metadata to preserve and share your data projects

Introduction to Git and GitHub, and working with Cypress (Tulane’s supercomputer) – meetings [10/23/19] and [9/26/19]

This academic semester we've introduced two new workshops to TURF. As usual, our workshops are reproducible and can be worked through independently by downloading the workshop repositories on our GitHub page. In September, Steve introduced us to working with Cypress, Tulane's supercomputer. In this lesson, you will learn the basic commands of interacting with and … Continue reading Introduction to Git and GitHub, and working with Cypress (Tulane’s supercomputer) – meetings [10/23/19] and [9/26/19]

Dates for TURF meetings – Fall 2019

After a very swanky and successful meet-n-greet, we are ready to publish this semester's calendar!  All meetings will be scheduled for 5-6pm in Stern 2002, unless we notify you of changes via the mailing list. Thursday, Sep. 26th: Intro to github Thursday, Oct. 3rd: A functional intro to Cypress, Tulane's supercomputer Thursday, Nov. 14th: Metadata … Continue reading Dates for TURF meetings – Fall 2019